Care Packages
We get emails often from people asking what they can send that would bless our family, and we are very grateful that so many of you want to support and encourage our family on the field by caring for us in that way!
One of our "losses" in moving to Thailand was leaving our local library. Going each week to pick out dozens of new books was a highlight for Sophie, Judah, and Christian when we lived in South Carolina, and we all miss the amazing access to new reading material that we used to enjoy.
That being said, books would be an amazing treat for our children! If you have used books that your children have outgrown or that you came across in a book sale, that is fantastic, though shipping heavier items like books to Thailand can be quite expensive.
Another option is the website Book Depository, which offers free worldwide shipping. We have put together a wishlist of some books that our children would enjoy for those of you who are interested in blessing them in that way. You can access the book wishlist here.
Other items that we love and cannot get here:
We are so grateful for those who bless us through prayer, encouraging messages, financial support, and mail. Thank you for your continued love and care for our family.
Our Thailand mailing address:
David and Mandy England
119 M. 3
T. Na Kae A. Na Kae
Nakhon Phanom 48130
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