It's been done before...
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us."
Long ago, the Godman Himself left His throne and humbly undertook the greatest cultural exchange of all time... Clothed in mortal flesh, the Divine broke into our world as a newborn child.
Unable to speak.
Wonder. The very Word of God, personified. Unable to even speak. Wailing. Cooing. Misunderstood.
It's miraculous, what God chose to overcome on our behalf.
And from the great Incarnation came a proliferation of incarnations, set in motion by the words, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel...". It is the unbabbling of Babel, the miracle of the Word made flesh, again and again, as He fills broken vessels with His Spirit and Word and sends them out to once more become babes anew among languages untouched; a "rebirthing" in a sense of The Word in every tongue.
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